Diversity, Equity,
and Inclusion


As an ethical business, we do what is right.
Our DEI efforts are focused on ensuring equal opportunities and creating a safe and respectful workplace for all.


countries, 8 offices




female workforce


female managers


DEI Ambassadors


Strategic DEI Goals

Ensure organization-wide understanding of and engagement with DEI initiatives

Build a strong, data-driven foundation for DEI initiatives with input from external experts

Attract and hire diverse talent

Create an inclusive culture where psychological safety is a priority

Set with Consensus

Input from Lingarians across the company, from new hires to long-time leaders

Advice from DEI Ambassadors who have volunteered to support colleagues in all things DEI

Third-party analysis of processes and policies concerning HR and more


DEI Manifesto

Our D&I Manifesto was written by Lingarians for Lingarians in 2019 to guide the rapid growth of our global community. Today it serves as a historical foundation for our ongoing efforts to advance DEI.

The Manifesto calls on us to: 

  • Build a community where everyone feels safe and comfortable with who they are
  • Respect each other as human beings and treat everyone equally
  • Ensure that everyone’s voice is heard
  • Respond whenever our colleagues are not being treated with the proper respect


Driving DEI with Data

We strive to objectively track our progress towards meeting our people’s needs for a diverse, equitable, and inclusive working environment.

Across multiple stages of our colleagues’ journeys with us, we collect relevant data and their feedback on DEI related needs and how well we are addressing them.

We present the results in our DEI Dashboard. Key data is available for all Lingarians to view.


DEI Initiatives in the Spotlight

IT Power Women Global Mentoring Program

In the global IT market, women are still a minority. To respond to the gender gap in the tech sector, in cooperation with leading universities we launched the IT Power Women Global Mentoring Program to help aspiring female tech talents in Poland and the Philippines plan the first steps of their exciting IT careers, build meaningful connections, get inspired, and envision long-term success.

So far, 35 female mentoring pairs have been connected within the ongoing program.


DEI Initiatives in the Spotlight

Women’s Community Meetings

Twice a year, we invite all female Lingarians to come together to share professional experiences, give career advice, and inspire each other.

Lingarians volunteer to present their thoughts on a variety of important topics such as excelling as working mothers, succeeding as women in IT, and finding work-life balance.

Guest speakers include accomplished female and male technology executives who share stories from their career journeys and offer valuable insights to women in the Lingaro community.


DEI Initiatives in the Spotlight

Global DEI Days

Every year, we organize a Global DEI Day to raise our community’s awareness of DEI issues, get Lingarians engaged in our own DEI efforts, and encourage each other to use best DEI practices in our day-to-day work.

The events feature seminars with top external experts addressing specific aspects of building a diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture.


DEI Initiatives in the Spotlight

Pride Month

Throughout every June, we use a rainbow-style version of our logo on our website and social media channels and publish internal and external communications to express our solidarity with the LGTBQIA+ community.

Special Pride Month initiatives have so far included

  • Allyship-themed webinars with organizations like Diversity Hub and Philippine Financial & Inter-Industry Pride,
  • An awareness-building quiz on Pride Month facts during a company-wide news sharing meeting,
  • Participating in the Pride Festival at the Circuit Events Ground Makati in the Philippines

DEI Initiatives in the Spotlight

Highlighting Lingarians’ National Holidays

We spread the word about a wide range of country-specific holidays Lingarians celebrate around the world, including:

Independence Day

Collaboration with External Organizations

Lingarians continue to seek knowledge and best practices related to DEI by working with a wide range of external organizations.

Featured Insights

Championing DEI is one of many ways we promote sustainability.

We have formally committed to advancing the UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals of Good Health and Well-Being, Gender Equality, and Climate Action.