Anna PtaszynskaB

Anna Ptaszyńska-Biały

Sustainability Leader, Associate Manager

Group 888
Anna PtaszynskaB tablet&mobile

Ania has been in the IT business for more than 10 years, with 4.5 of them at Lingaro Group. During this time, she has gained eclectic experience in recruitment, organization-wide HR initiatives as a project manager, recruitment strategy development, and running workshops to share insights and best practices. Recently, she made a professional pivot into the role of Sustainability Leader. In her day-to-day work, Ania emphasizes taking a human-centric approach focused on meeting people’s needs. She loves teamwork and strongly believes that taking different perspectives under consideration is a critical success factor for any project. As Ania likes to say, “Together we are stronger than we think, and we are made for great things!”