Lingaro Leads Major Contenders in "Value Delivered"

in Retail and CPG Data, Analytics, and AI Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment

Everest Group
Everest Group

In recognition of the company’s expanding capabilities to help enterprises in the retail and consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry succeed in all aspects of data, Lingaro has been named a Major Contender in Everest Group’s 2024 Retail and CPG Data, Analytics, and AI Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment. Lingaro was positioned highest among all Major Contenders in delivering value to its customers. This report evaluates data, analytics, and AI (DAAI) service providers based on various factors, including value delivered and the adoption rate of solutions among retail and CPG leaders.

Companies in the PEAK Matrix® Assessment are evaluated across two key dimensions: Market Impact and Vision & Capability. Market Impact includes subcategories like market adoption, portfolio mix, and value delivered. Among all the Major Contenders featured in the report, Lingaro was named the highest in “value delivered”. The company also received high marks in market adoption, overall market impact, and vision and strategy. Lingaro's strong performance in these areas underscores its commitment to delivering exceptional value to clients in the retail and CPG industries.

Major Contenders are distinguished for having growing portfolios of DAAI transformation services, expanding capabilities to deliver these services, and proven track records of investments in proprietary tools and service accelerators focused on meeting the needs of RCPG enterprises. Everest Group highlighted Lingaro’s comprehensive set of technology partnerships, advanced technical expertise and talent management capabilities, and solid reputation among enterprises in the food and beverage as well as household and personal care CPG industries.

Click here to see the Everest Group Retail and CPG Data, Analytics, and AI Services PEAK Matrix®.

“Some of our most valued and longest-standing service partnerships are with clients in the retail and CPG sector. We will continue to help them excel in data and analytics, and now also in the emerging field of generative AI. Getting AI right starts with getting data right, and we are committed to enhancing our capabilities to support clients at every stage of this journey. This recognition from Everest Group is proof that we have a successful formula, and our clients can expect us to execute it on a larger scale to create even more business value for them,” said Sam Mantle, CEO at Lingaro.

Lingaro has an extensive portfolio of cross-functional solutions across the cloud, AI, and data engineering, backed by its dedicated center of excellence in data science and AI. Lingaro’s expertise has also earned multiple industry certifications, including an AI and Machine Learning in Microsoft Azure specialization. Lingaro brings the synergy of technical expertise and practical business insight to companies across the RCPG space and beyond.

Everest Group’s PEAK Matrix® Assessments provide insights to enterprises to make informed critical decisions about global service providers and best-in-class solutions. To learn more about the 2024 Analytics and AI Services Specialists PEAK Matrix® Assessment, visit Everest Group’s website.

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